
Saturday, December 27, 2014

ALERTS Posted by AMBER Apartment Alerts and Missing Children Task Force

Why are there so many posts from AMBER Apartment Alerts on Facebook, Twitter and other sites when a child is reported as an AMBER alert or a “Critical” missing child?
• AMBER Apartment Alerts and Missing Children Task Force use a social media share when posting to Google Blogger, Wordpress and other social media sites. These posts are automatically shared on Facebook and Twitter with each new post and not with each update to the post.
Currently we use Blogger (2 blogs), Wordpress (2Blogs) , Facebook (2 accounts), LinkedIn, Twitter (2 accounts) , Pinterest, Flicker, IReddit, InstaGram to disseminate alerts.
Is this an over abundance of alerts?
• No, not when a child’s life and safety are at risk.
Why are alerts removed without notification of the status of the child? 


• I am required by an MOU with the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children to remove NCMEC posters when a resolution has been issued. These notifications seldom contain specifics on what the resolution was. State issued cancellations are more specific however, I attempt to honor the NCMEC MOU with state AMBER Coordinators also. 

I am the only person issuing these alerts for AMBER Apartment Alerts and Missing Children Task Force. I have no other staff. Alerts, update alerts and alert removals are posted when I am available. As I work a full time job I am not always able to update alerts immediately. The most up to date information is posted to Wordpress and Blogger. These Social Media sites can be accessed from the Internet.
Please share these alerts whenever you can.
You can be our motto.
”One Person Can Make a Difference”.

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